Property:Capsule shape
- A Text property defining a single value.
- Structure: capsule
- Character: shape
- A subproperty of fruit
- A Type of fruit
- A subproperty of sporangium
- A Part of sporangium
Types of capsule shape
Parts of capsule shape
5-angled;cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
spheric +
spheric +
spheric +
spheric +
spheric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
subglobose +
compressed-cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globular +
ovoid-oblong +
ovoid +
obovoid;oblong +
ovoid +
ovoid-obovoid +
globular +
globular;obovoid-globular +
globular +
globular +
globular +
obovoid-oblong +
globular-ovoid +
globular +
globular +
ovoid-oblong +
globular +
globular-ovoid +
subglobular;globular +
globular +
globular +
globular +
ovoid;obovoid-oblong +
globular +
globular;oblong +
globular +
globular +
globular +
globular +
globular +
globular +
elliptic-ovate +
globular +
globular-ovate;oblong +
ovoid-globular +
globular +
obovoid +
oblong +
oblong +
oblong +
oblong +
oblong +
oblong +
globose +
obovoid +
obovoid +
obovoid +
oblong +
oblong +
oblong +
oblong +
ellipsoid +
oblong +
ovoid +
ovoid +
acute +
5-segmented +
oblong +
cylindric;ovoid-cylindric +
cylindric;ovoid-cylindric +
cylindric;ovoid-cylindric +
cylindric;ovoid-cylindric +
cylindric;ovoid-cylindric +
cylindric;ovoid-cylindric +
cylindric;ovoid-cylindric +
oblong-cylindric +
globose +
clavate;pyriform +
cylindric +
cylindric +
ellipsoid +
ellipsoid +
ovoid +
oblong-obovoid +
oblong +
oblong +
oblong +
oblong-cylindric +
oblong-cylindric +
depressed +
subglobose +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globular +
ovoid;elliptic +
ovoid +
ovoid;elliptic +
ovoid;elliptic +
ovate-cylindric +
ovate-pyriform +
oblong +
ovoid +
elongate +
oblong-ovoid +
globose +
globose +
ellipsoid +
ellipsoid +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose +
globose +
globose +
globose +
globose +
globose +
globose +
obovoid +
obovoid +
obovoid +
obconic +
ovoid +
oblanceoloid +
ovoid +
ellipsoid +
ovoid +
ovoid +
ellipsoid +
ovoid +
ovoid +
narrowly ellipsoid;cylindric +
ovoid;cylindric-ovoid +
ovoid;ovoid-conic +
cylindric;cylindric-ovoid +
ellipsoid-oblong +
ellipsoid +
ellipsoid-oblong +
ovoid +
ovoid +
ellipsoid +
ellipsoid +
globose +
globose +
ovoid +
ovoid +
globose +
globose +
globose +
spheric +
ovoid +
ovoid +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
short-cylindric +
cylindric +
ovoid;pyriform +
pyriform +
ovoid;pyriform +
ovoid;pyriform +
pyriform +
ellipsoid +
pyriform +
subglobose +
oblate;subspheric +
oblate +
oblate;subspheric +
oblate +
subspheric +
subspheric +
ovoid +
terete;ovoid +
ovoid +
globose +
3-lobed +
3-lobed +
2-lobed +
not distorted +
ovoid +
ovoid +
drupe-like +
subglobular +
ovate-cylindric +
globular-ovoid +
cylindric;elongate;cylindric;elongate;ovate +
ovate;subcylindric +
ovate-elongate;cylindric +
ovate;elongate +
ovate;elongate +
elongate +
cylindric;elongate;cylindric;elongate;ovate +
cylindric +
ovate +
elongate +
short-cylindric +
ovate-ventricose +
short-cylindric +
cylindric;elongate;cylindric;elongate;ovate +
elongate +
elongate +
cylindric;elongate;cylindric;elongate;ovate +
elongate +
elongate +
elongate +
cylindric +
ovate;elongate +
elongate;subcylindric +
cylindric +
ovoid;elongate +
elongate +
elongate +
cylindric;elongate;cylindric;elongate;ovate +
cylindric +
oblong-cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
oblong +
oblong +
cylindric +
ovoid-cylindric +
cylindric +
not distorted +
subglobose +
subglobose +
subglobose +
ovate +
ovate +
ovate +
ovate +
ovate +
ovoid +
ovoid +
ovoid +
cylindric +
narrowed;obloid;narrowly cylindric +
ovoid;obloid;cylindric +
narrowed;obloid;narrowly cylindric +
obloid-cylindric +
cylindric +
obloid;short-cylindric +
obloid-cylindric +
obloid-cylindric +
obloid-cylindric;elongate-ovoid +
cylindric +
narrowly ovoid;cylindric +
obloid;long-cylindric +
narrowed;obloid;narrowly cylindric +
narrowed;obloid;narrowly cylindric +
narrowed;obloid;narrowly cylindric +
narrowed;obloid;narrowly cylindric +
obloid;obloid-cylindric +
obloid;short-cylindric +
cylindric +
obovoid;ellipsoid +
obovoid;ellipsoid +
obovoid;ellipsoid +
ovoid +
ovoid +
rectangular +
rectangular +
oblong-cylindric;ovoid +
oblong-cylindric;ovoid +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
obovoid +
obovoid +
oblong +
oblong +
oblong +
ellipsoid +
lanceoloid +
angled +
angled +
ellipsoid-elongate +
angled +
ellipsoid-globular +
ellipsoid-globular +
ellipsoid-globular +
ellipsoid-globular +
ellipsoid-oblong +
3-angled +
ellipsoid +
ellipsoid +
ovoid +
angled +
angled +
angled +
ellipsoid +
angled +
ellipsoid +
angled +
oblong +
3-angled +
angled +
ellipsoid +
angled +
ellipsoid-oblong +
angled +
angled +
angled +
ellipsoid +
angled +
angled +
oblong +
angled +
angled +
angled +
angled +
angled +
angled +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
ovoid +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
ovoid-ellipsoid +
subglobose +
ovoid +
subglobose +
4-angled +
4-angled +
4-angled +
4-angled +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
ellipsoid +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
long-cylindric +
strumose +
strumose +
strumose +
ovoid +
strumose +
strumose +
strumose +
strumose +
strumose +
strumose +
strumose +
strumose +
strumose +
strumose +
strumose +
strumose +
strumose +
strumose +
ovoid-cylindric +
ovoid-cylindric +
ellipsoid +
globose;ellipsoid +
ellipsoid;nearly globose +
obovoid +
elongate +
ovoid;ellipsoid +
ovoid;ellipsoid +
ovoid;ellipsoid +
ovoid +
ovoid +
ovoid +
not lobed +
lobed +
lobed +
lobed +
lobed +
lobed +
lobed +
lobed +
lobed +
lobed +
lobed +
lobed +
lobed +
lobed +
lobed +
lobed +
lobed +
lobed +
lobed +
lobed +
lobed +
globose +
lobed +
lobed +
lobed +
lobed +
not lobed +
not lobed +
not lobed +
not lobed +
lobed +
not lobed +
lobed +
lobed +
lobed +
lobed +
lobed +
lobed +
lobed +
lobed +
lobed +
lobed +
lobed +
lobed +
lobed +
lobed +
not lobed +
lobed +
lobed +
lobed +
lobed +
globose +
subglobose +
ellipsoid-oblanceoloid +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
conic +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
oblong;ovoid-conic +
conic +
cylindric +
oblong-ovoid +
cylindric +
cylindric;conic +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
conic +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
ovate-cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
strumose +
strumose +
strumose +
flattened +
flattened +
ovoid-oblong +
globose +
globose +
depressed-globose +
depressed-globose +
depressed-globose +
globose +
ovoid +
ovoid +
ovoid +
ellipsoid +
cylindrical +
clavate +
oblong-cylindrical +
oblong-cylindrical +
oblong-cylindrical +
oblong-cylindrical +
cylindrical +
cylindrical +
cylindrical +
clavate +
clavate +
oblong-cylindrical +
clavate +
clavate +
clavate +
clavate +
oblong-cylindrical +
clavate +
clavate +
clavate +
oblong-cylindrical +
oblong-cylindrical +
oblong-cylindrical +
oblong-cylindrical +
oblong-cylindrical +
oblong-cylindrical +
terete +
terete +
obovoid-obtuse +
ovoid +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
ovate-elliptic +
subglobose +
tapering +
tapering +
tapering +
ovate;elongate +
ovate;elongate +
ovoid +
ovoid +
globose +
globose +
ovoid +
ovoid +
ovoid +
ovoid +
globose +
oblong-oval +
broadly oval;suborbicular +
oblong +
oblong +
oblong-oval +
4-angled +
4-angled +
4-angled +
4-angled +
4-angled +
4-angled +
4-angled +
4-angled +
4-angled +
4-angled +
4-angled +
terete +
subterete +
subterete +
subterete +
subterete +
subterete +
subclavate +
cylindrical +
4-angled +
4-angled +
4-angled +
4-angled +
4-angled +
4-angled +
terete +
4-angled +
4-angled +
4-angled +
4-angled +
4-angled +
angled +
4-angled +
4-angled +
angled +
subterete +
terete +
4-angled +
4-angled +
4-angled +
4-angled +
4-angled +
4-angled +
4-angled +
terete +
narrowly elliptic;oblong +
narrowly elliptic;oblong +
ovoid +
ovoid +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
rhomboidal +
rhomboidal +
rhomboidal +
rhomboidal +
rhomboidal +
rhomboidal +
rhomboidal +
rhomboidal +
subglobose +
subglobose +
subglobose +
long-cylindric +
oblong-cylindric +
globose +
ovoid;long-cylindric +
obloid;shortly cylindric +
obloid;shortly cylindric +
obloid;cylindric +
obloid;cylindric +
obloid;cylindric +
obloid;shortly cylindric +
obloid;shortly cylindric +
cylindric +
ovoid;long-cylindric +
ovoid;long-cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
ovoid +
ovoid +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
obovoid-ellipsoid +
ellipsoid +
ellipsoid +
ellipsoid +
ellipsoid +
ellipsoid +
ellipsoid +
ellipsoid +
ellipsoid +
ellipsoid +
ellipsoid +
ellipsoid +
ellipsoid-obovoid +
wing-angled;cylindric +
not wing-angled;subglobose;short-ellipsoid +
not wing-angled;terete;cylindric +
not wing-angled;flattened;cylindric +
not wing-angled;terete;cylindric +
ovoid;oblong-ovoid +
oblong-lanceoloid +
oblong-lanceoloid +
oblong-lanceoloid +
oblong-lanceoloid +
oblong-lanceoloid +
oblong-lanceoloid +
oblong-lanceoloid +
oblong-lanceoloid +
ovoid-oblong +
oblong-ovoid +
oblong-lanceoloid +
oblong-ovoid +
oblong-ovoid +
oblong-ovoid +
oblong-ovoid +
oblong-lanceoloid +
oblong-ovoid +
oblong-ovoid +
oblong-ovoid +
oblong-ovoid +
oblong-ovoid +
ovoid +
oblong +
ellipsoid +
ellipsoid +
ellipsoid +
ellipsoid +
ellipsoid +
ellipsoid +
ellipsoid +
obovoid +
cupulate;ovoid;cylindrical +
ovoid;campanulate +
cylindric +
ovoid;campanulate +
cylindrical +
cupulate +
ellipsoid-cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
acute +
globose +
cylindric;ovoid-cylindric +
cylindric;ovoid-cylindric +
cylindric;ovoid-cylindric +
cylindric;ovoid-cylindric +
cylindric;ovoid-cylindric +
cylindric;ovoid-cylindric +
cylindric;ovoid-cylindric +
cylindric;ovoid-cylindric +
ovoid +
ovoid +
oblong-cylindric +
oblong-cylindric +
ellipsoid +
ellipsoid +
globular +
not strumose +
not strumose +
not strumose +
not strumose +
not strumose +
strumose +
strumose +
not strumose +
linear-cylindric +
linear-cylindric +
subglobose +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
obovoid +
obconic +
obconic +
ovoid;globular-ovoid +
ellipsoid +
ovoid-oblong +
globose +
turbinate +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
oblong-ovoid;ovoid +
hemispheric +
hemispheric +
hemispheric +
ovoid;cylindric +
ovoid;cylindric +
ovoid;cylindric +
ovoid;cylindric +
ovoid;cylindric +
ovoid;cylindric +
ovoid;cylindric +
ovoid;cylindric +
ovoid;cylindric +
ovoid;cylindric +
oblong +
oblong +
oblong-cylindric +
oblong-ovate +
strumose +
not strumose +
tapered +
subglobose +
strumose +
not strumose +
oblong-cylindric +
oblong-cylindric +
oblong-cylindric +
oblong-cylindric +
strumose +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
strumose +
strumose +
strumose +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
long-cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
globose +
ovoid +
ovoid-conical +
ovoid-conical +
ovoid +
ovate +
oblong;obreniform;oblong;obreniform;ovoid +
ovoid;obovoid +
ovoid +
ovoid +
subglobose;short-cylindric +
ovoid +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
subcylindric +
cylindric +
swollen +
subglobose +
cylindric +
ovoid +
cylindric-ovoid +
ovoid +
cylindric-ovoid +
cylindric-ovoid +
cylindric-ovoid +
cylindric-ovoid +
cylindric-ovoid +
cylindric-ovoid +
cylindric-ovoid +
cylindric-ovoid +
ovoid +
ovoid +
cylindric-ovoid +
cylindric-ovoid +
cylindric-ovoid +
ovoid +
cylindric-ovoid +
short-ovoid +
cylindric-ovoid +
cylindric-ovoid +
cylindric-ovoid +
cylindric-ovoid +
cylindric-ovoid +
cylindric-ovoid +
cylindric-ovoid +
cylindric-ovoid +
ovoid +
cylindric-ovoid +
ovoid +
short-cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
obovoid +
obovoid +
obovoid +
obovoid +
obovoid +
obovoid +
obovoid +
obovoid +
ovate;ovate-oblong +
ovate;ovate-oblong +
ellipsoid;globose +
ellipsoid;globose +
ellipsoid;globose +
ellipsoid;globose +
ellipsoid;globose +
ellipsoid;globose +
ellipsoid;globose +
ellipsoid;globose +
ellipsoid;globose +
ellipsoid;globose +
ellipsoid;globose +
ellipsoid;globose +
ellipsoid;globose +
subglobose +
subglobose +
oblong +
tapering +
cylindric +
cylindric +
oblong-ovoid +
oblong-ovoid +
globose +
depressed-ovoid +
depressed-ovoid +
globose +
oblong-ovoid +
depressed-ovoid +
oblong-ovoid +
compressed-globose +
ovoid +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
long-cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
short-cylindric +
short-cylindric +
short-cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
short-cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
long-cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
long-cylindric +
long-cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
ovoid;ellipsoid;ovoid;ellipsoid;cylindric +
ovoid;ellipsoid;ovoid;ellipsoid;cylindric +
narrowly pyriform;short-pyriform +
elongate-pyriform +
ovoid-pyriform +
ovoid-pyriform +
ovoid-pyriform +
globose-pyriform +
pyriform +
narrowly pyriform;short-pyriform +
flaring;pyriform +
gibbous;claviform +
elongate-cylindrical +
ovoid-pyriform +
pyriform;elongate-pyriform +
ovoid +
ovoid +
ovoid +
ovoid +
ovoid +
subglobose +
globose +
ellipsoid +
ellipsoid +
ovoid +
ovoid-ellipsoid +
reniform;compressed;ovoid +
cylindrical +
cylindrical +
cylindrical +
cylindrical +
subfusiform +
fusiform +
subclavate +
fusiform +
cylindrical +
fusiform-clavate +
ovoid +
ellipsoid +
obovoid +
urceolate;short-pyriform;urceolate;short-pyriform;cylindric +
urceolate;short-pyriform;urceolate;short-pyriform;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
ovoid;urceolate +
ovoid;urceolate +
ovoid;urceolate +
ovoid;urceolate +
ovoid;urceolate +
ovoid;urceolate +
ovoid;urceolate +
ovoid;urceolate +
ovoid;urceolate +
ovoid;urceolate +
ovoid;urceolate +
ovoid;urceolate +
ovoid;urceolate +
ovoid;urceolate +
ovoid;urceolate +
ovoid;urceolate +
ovoid;urceolate +
ovoid;urceolate +
ovoid;urceolate +
ovoid;urceolate +
ovoid;urceolate +
ovoid;urceolate +
ovoid;urceolate +
ovoid;urceolate +
ovoid;urceolate +
ovoid;urceolate +
ovoid;urceolate +
ovoid;urceolate +
ovoid;urceolate +
ovoid;urceolate +
ovoid;urceolate +
ovoid;urceolate +
ovoid;urceolate +
ovoid;urceolate +
ovoid;urceolate +
tapering +
ovoid-cylindric +
oblong-cylindric +
obovoid +
obovoid +
obovoid +
obovoid +
obovoid +
obovoid +
oblong +
obovoid +
obovoid +
obovoid +
obovoid +
obovoid +
obovoid +
obovoid +
hemispheric +
urn--shaped +
urn--shaped +
globose +
hemispheric +
subpyriform +
cylindric +
ovoid +
hemispheric +
hemispheric +
ovoid;cylindrical +
ellipsoid +
subglobose +
ovoid +
ovoid +
depressed-ovoid +
oblate +
oblate +
ovoid +
ovoid +
ovoid +
ovoid +
globose +
globose +
deltoid +
globose +
depressed-globose +
depressed-globose +
oblate +
globose-ovoid +
globose-ovoid +
globose-ovoid +
ovoid +
ovoid +
ovoid +
ovoid-oblate +
oblate +
ovoid +
depressed-ovoid +
ovoid-triangular +
depressed-ovoid +
globose +
oblate +
ovoid +
ovoid +
oblate +
ovoid +
oblate +
ovoid +
ovoid +
ovoid +
depressed-globose +
subglobose +
oblong +
oblate +
ovoid-globose +
ovoid +
ovoid +
ovoid-globose +
oblate +
ovoid +
globose +
ovoid +
ovoid +
globose +
oblate +
oblate +
ovoid +
ovoid +
globose +
ovoid +
oblate +
ovoid +
ovoid +
oblate-deltoid +
depressed-globose +
oblong;elliptic or obovate +
oblong;elliptic or obovate +
oblong;elliptic or obovate +
oblong;elliptic +
oval;oblong or obovate +
oblong;elliptic or obovate +
oblong +
elliptic;oblong +
oblong;elliptic +
oblong +
elliptic;obovate +
elliptic;obovate +
elliptic;obovate +
elliptic-oblong;oblong +
oval;oblong or obovate +
oblong;elliptic-oblong +
oblong +
oblong +
elliptic;oblong +
oblong +
oblong;narrowly elliptic +
elliptic;obovate +
oblong +
oblong +
ovoid;pyriform +
ovoid;pyriform +
ovoid +
lanceoloid +
lanceoloid +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
subglobose +
subglobose +
globose +
globose +
angled +
angled +
angled +
cylindric-ovoid +
angled +
angled +
angled +
angled +
angled +
angled +
angled +
angled +
subglobose +
elongate-pyriform +
obovoid +
obovate +
cylindric;ovoid-pyriform +
pyriform +
pyriform +
obovoid +
pyriform +
pyriform +
pyriform +
flaring;pyriform;cupulate +
ellipsoid +
flattened +
subterete +
subterete +
subterete +
subterete +
flattened +
subterete +
flattened +
subterete +
pyriform +
pyriform +
ovate +
pyriform +
ovate +
ovate +
pyriform +
ovate +
ovate +
ovate +
ovate +
pyriform +
pyriform +
pyriform +
pyriform +
pyriform +
pyriform +
pyriform +
pyriform +
pyriform +
pyriform +
ovoid +
ovoid +
oblong +
globose +
oblong-ellipsoid +
sublinear +
sublinear +
ellipsoid +
ellipsoid +
ovoid +
ovoid;subglobose +
subglobose;ovoid +
subglobose;oblong +
ellipsoid +
obcordiform +
subglobular +
ovoid +
ovoid +
ovoid +
ovoid +
ovoid +
subglobular +
globular +
ovate;oblong-ovate +
ventricose +
ventricose +
oblong-ovoid +
oblong-ovoid +
oblong;cylindric +
ovoid +
ovoid +
cylindric +
ventricose +
oblong +
obloid +
ovoid +
obloid +
oblate +
rarely ventricose ovoid;obloid rarely globose or cylindric +
obloid +
oblong-ovoid;cylindric +
oblong-ovoid +
oblate +
ovoid +
oblong-ovoid;cylindric +
ovoid +
ovoid;oblong +
oblong +
oblong-ovoid +
globose +
ovate +
oblong-ovoid +
globose;ovoid +
oblong-ovoid +
oblong-ovoid +
ventricose +
ellipsoid;obloid +
obloid +
rarely ventricose ovoid;obloid rarely globose or cylindric +
ovoid +
ovoid;elliptic +
rarely ventricose ovoid;obloid rarely globose or cylindric +
ventricose +
rarely ventricose ovoid;obloid rarely globose or cylindric +
rarely ventricose ovoid;obloid rarely globose or cylindric +
rarely ventricose ovoid;obloid rarely globose or cylindric +
rarely ventricose ovoid;obloid rarely globose or cylindric +
rarely ventricose ovoid;obloid rarely globose or cylindric +
ovoid +
oblong-ovoid +
oblong-ovoid +
gibbous;ventricose;symmetric;cupulate;cylindrical;ventricose;symmetric;cupulate;cylindrical;obloid;ovoid +
globose;symmetric;ventricose ovoid obloid or cylindrical +
obloid;cylindric +
oblong-ovate;cylindric +
oblong;short-cylindric +
oblong;oblong-ovate +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
ovoid;elliptical +
short-cylindric +
ovoid;elliptical +
short-cylindric +
ellipsoid-ovoid;globose +
globose +
ellipsoid-ovoid +
globose +
globose +
ovate;short-cylindric +
ovate;short-cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
oblong +
oblong +
oblong +
oblong +
pyriform +
ovoid +
ellipsoid +
ellipsoid +
ovoid +
ovoid +
globose +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
cylindric +
obcordate +
oblongelliptic +
narrowed +
narrowed +
ovoid +
ellipsoid;oblong or obovoid +
fringed;broadly depressed-ovoid;broadly ovoid or broadly ellipsoid +
cylindric +
cylindric +
ovoid +
short-cylindric +
short-cylindric +
short-cylindric +
short-cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
ovoid +
ovoid +
ovoid +
ovoid +
ovoid +
ovoid +
ovoid +
ovoid +
ovoid +
ovoid +
urceolate +
ovoid +
ovoid +
ovoid +
ovoid +
ovoid +
ovoid +
ovoid +
ovoid +
ovoid +
ovoid +
ovoid +
ovoid +
ovoid +
ovoid +
ovoid +
urceolate +
ovoid +
ovoid +
oblong +
ovoid +
ovoid +
ovoid;subglobose +
ovoid;obovoid +
ovoid;globose +
ellipsoid;ovoid +
ovoid +
ovoid;subglobose +
ovoid +
ovoid;subglobose +
ovoid +
ovoid +
ovoid;subglobose +
ovoid;subglobose +
ovoid;subglobose +
globose;ovoid +
globose +
ovoid +
ovoid +
oblong-cylindric +
ovoid;ellipsoid +
ovoid +
ellipsoid;ovoid +
globular +
ovoid;cylindric +
ovoid;cylindric +
oblong-cylindric +
oblong-cylindric +
asymmetric;ovoid +
asymmetric;ovoid +
ovoid-oblong;cylindric +
ovate-cylindric +
subcylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
ovoid-oblong +
cylindric +
cylindric +
ovoid-oblong;cylindric +
oblong-cylindric +
oblong-cylindric +
oblong-cylindric +
oblong-cylindric +
oblong-cylindric +
oblong-cylindric +
ovoid;subglobose +
ovoid;subglobose +
ovoid;subglobose +
ovoid;subglobose +
elongate +
globose +
ovoid +
depressed-globose +
ovoid +
hemispheric +
hemispheric +
oblong-ovoid +
hemispheric +
globose;cylindric +
ovoid +
ovoid-ellipsoid +
subglobose +
subglobose +
subglobose +
subglobose +
subglobose +
subglobose +
subglobose +
subglobose +
subglobose +
subglobose +
ellipsoid +
subglobose +
elongate +
subglobose +
subcylindric;obovoid;subcylindric;obovoid;ovoid;globose +
subcylindric;obovoid;subcylindric;obovoid;ovoid;globose +
subcylindric;obovoid;subcylindric;obovoid;ovoid;globose +
subcylindric;obovoid;subcylindric;obovoid;ovoid;globose +
cylindric +
ellipsoid;ovoid-ellipsoid +
ellipsoid;cylindric or subglobose +
cylindric-conic +
narrowly ovoid;cylindric-ellipsoid +
narrowly cylindric;narrowly ovoid-conic +
ovoid;ovoid-cylindric +
narrowly conic;conic-cylindric +
pyramidal-ovoid;ovoid-ellipsoid +
pyramidal-ovoid +
ovoid-cylindric;broadly ovoid +
ovoid +
ellipsoid-ovoid +
ovoid-conic +
lobed;conic;cylindric-ovoid +
ovoid;rostrate-subglobose +
rostrate;ovoid-conic +
narrowly ovoid;ovoid-cylindric +
pyramidal-ovoid +
ellipsoid;globose +
ovoid +
less narrowly ovoid-conic;ovoid-ellipsoid +
ovoid-conic;ovoid-rostrate +
ovoid-conic +
cylindric-conic +
ovoid +
conic-ellipsoid +
ellipsoid;rostrate-subglobose +
narrowly compressed-ovoid;cylindric-ellipsoid +
narrowly compressed-ovoid;cylindric-ellipsoid +
narrowly compressed-ovoid;cylindric-ellipsoid +
ovoid-conic +
narrowly ovoid;ellipsoid +
ovoid +
lobed;narrowly ovoid-conic;ovoid +
conic-ellipsoid +
cylindric-ellipsoid;narrowly ovoid-conic +
narrowly ovoid;cylindric-ellipsoid +
narrowly ovoid;cylindric-ellipsoid +
narrowly ovoid;cylindric-ellipsoid +
pyramidal-ovoid +
narrowly conic;cylindric +
cylindric;narrowly conic +
cylindric +
broadly ellipsoid;ovoid-globose +
ovoid-conic +
ovoid;narrowly ovoid-pyramidal +
ellipsoid;usually narrowly ovoid-conic;ovoid +
ovoid +
ovoid;subglobose +
ovoid +
oblanceoloid +
ovoid;ellipsoid-subglobose +
broadly ovoid;depressed-globose +
cylindric-ellipsoid +
cylindric +
broadly ellipsoid-ovoid;subglobose +
ovoid;rostrate-subglobose +
ellipsoid;subglobose +
oblong-cylindric +
oblong-cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
obovoid-cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
long-cylindric +
oblong-cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
short-cylindric +
oblong-cylindric +
oblong-cylindric +
oblong-cylindric +
cylindric +
oblong-cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
pyriform +
pyriform +
elongate-clavate +
pyriform +
short-pyriform +
globose;symmetric;ventricose ovoid obloid or cylindrical +
globose;symmetric;ventricose ovoid obloid or cylindrical +
cylindrical +
tapering +
hexagonal to almost +
oblong +
hexagonal +
oblong-oval +
triangular +
tapering +
oblong +
3-angled +
rounded-trigonal +
oblong-ovoid +
triangular +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
oblong-cylindric +
oblong-cylindric +
narrowed +
globose;ovoid +
ovoid;subglobose +
ovoid +
spheric +
spheric +
spheric +
ellipsoidal +
ellipsoidal +
ellipsoidal +
ellipsoidal +
ellipsoidal +
ovoid +
ellipsoidal +
tapering;subulate +
mucronate;globose +
widely ellipsoid;obovoid +
oblate;narrowly ovoid +
oblate +
oblate;narrowly ovoid +
oblate;narrowly ovoid +
ovoid;ellipsoid +
oblate;narrowly ovoid +
ovoid;obconic +
obconic +
ellipsoid +
narrowly ellipsoid;prismatic +
ovoid;ellipsoid +
ellipsoid +
ovoid +
globose;obovoid +
oblong +
broadly obovoid;ovoid +
widely ellipsoid;obovoid +
globose +
ellipsoid +
widely ovoid;nearly globose +
ovoid +
narrowly ellipsoid;lanceoloid +
linear-lanceoloid +
oblate +
ellipsoid +
broadly ellipsoid;oblate +
narrowly obpyriform;narrowly ovoid +
oblong +
oblong-ovoid;ellipsoid +
ellipsoid +
obovoid +
obovoid +
obovoid +
globose +
obovoid +
ellipsoid +
ellipsoid +
ellipsoid +
ellipsoid +
oblong-ovoid +
obovoid;ellipsoid or oblate +
obovoid;ellipsoid or oblate +
obovoid;ellipsoid or oblate +
obovoid +
3-gonous-ovoid;widely ellipsoid +
ellipsoid;nearly globose +
obovoid;ellipsoid +
globose;ellipsoid or oblong +
oblate;narrowly ovoid +
obovoid +
ovoid;ellipsoid +
oblong +
obovoid +
obovoid;nearly globose +
ovoid;ellipsoid +
subulate +
obovoid +
ovoid +
ellipsoid +
ovoid +
lance-subulate +
ellipsoid +
obovoid +
broadly lanceoloid;narrowly oblong +
oblong +
globose +
ovoid +
ovoid +
oblong +
ovoid +
obovoid +
ellipsoid +
ovoid;oblate +
lance-subulate +
ellipsoid +
ovoid;ellipsoid +
ellipsoid +
ovoid;prismatic +
ovoid;narrowly ovoid +
ovoid;oblong +
ellipsoid +
lance-subulate +
oblate;narrowly ovoid +
ellipsoid;narrowly oblate +
ellipsoid +
ovoid;ellipsoid or oblate +
3-gonous-cylindric +
3-gonous-cylindric +
3-gonous-cylindric +
ovoid-pyramidal +
ovoid;ellipsoid +
tapering;subulate +
tapering;subulate +
tapering;subulate +
ellipsoid +
ellipsoid +
ovoid-globular +
ovoid-globular +
short-ovate +
short-ovate +
short-ovate +
cordate;circular +
cordate +
cordate;circular +
circular;cordate +
3-lobed +
ellipsoid;obovoid +
subglobose +
ellipsoid +
subglobose;depressed-globose;subglobose;depressed-globose;ovoid +
ellipsoid +
depressed-globose +
subglobose +
subglobose +
ovoid;globose +
subglobose;broadly ovoid +
subglobose;broadly ovoid +
subglobose;broadly ovoid +
subglobose;broadly ovoid +
ovoid +
ellipsoid;ellipsoid-ovoid +
subglobose +
subglobose +
subglobose +
subglobose +
subglobose +
ellipsoid;ovoid +
depressed-globose +
ellipsoid;obovoid +
subglobose;broadly ovoid +
ovoid +
ovoid +
cylindric +
ovoid +
clavate;pyriform +
clavate;pyriform +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
oblong;pyriform +
oblong;pyriform +
globose-ovoid +
globose-ovoid +
ovate;cylindric +
cylindric +
oblong-cylindric +
oblong-cylindric +
subcylindric +
oblong;pyriform +
subcylindric +
strumose +
strumose +
strumose +
strumose +
ovoid-cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
ovoid +
ridged +
keeled +
compressed +
compressed +
globular +
oblong-ovoid +
subglobular +
subglobular +
subglobular +
subglobular +
globular +
oblong +
subglobular +
subglobular +
oblong-ovoid +
depressed-globular +
oblong-cylindric +
oblong-cylindric +
oblong-cylindric +
lanceoloid +
ovoid +
ovoid +
pyriform +
ellipsoid +
ovoid +
ovoid +
ovoid +
ovoid +
ovoid +
ovoid +
ovoid +
pyriform +
ovoid-globose +
ovoid +
ovoid +
ovoid +
turbinate +
ovoid-pyriform +
ovoid +
ovoid +
depressed-globose +
depressed-globose +
depressed-globose +
subglobose +
ovoid-ellipsoid +
ellipsoid +
ellipsoid +
ellipsoid +
ovoid +
ovoid +
globose +
ovoid +
globose +
subglobose +
ovoid +
globose +
subglobose +
ellipsoid +
ovoid +
ellipsoid +
ellipsoid +
subglobose +
subglobose +
subglobose +
ellipsoid +
ellipsoid +
lanceoloid;ovoid +
3-angled +
ellipsoid +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
subterete +
obpyramidal +
globose +
globose +
globose +
spheric +
globose +
ellipsoid +
obovoid +
globose +
spheric +
ovoid +
globose +
obovoid;subglobose +
ovoid +
ovoid +
3-angled +
globose +
globose +
globose +
globose +
globose +
spheric +
spheric +
ellipsoid +
globose +
round +
globose +
globose +
globose +
globose +
globose +
globose +
ovoid +
globular +
ovoid +
oblong-cylindric;fusiform +
oblong-cylindric;fusiform +
narrowly ovate;ovate-oblong +
narrowly ovate;ovate-oblong +
ellipsoid +
ellipsoid +
ellipsoid +
ellipsoid +
ellipsoid +
ellipsoid +
ellipsoid +
ellipsoid +
ovoid +
ellipsoid +
obcuneiform +
depressed-globose +
ellipsoid +
cylindrical +
globose +
globose +
globular +
nearly globose;ellipsoid +
obovoid +
obovoid +
elongate +
elongate +
elongate +
clavate;pyriform +
clavate;pyriform +
clavate;pyriform +
clavate;pyriform +
compressed;falcate +
ellipsoid-oblong +
elliptic-oblong +
elliptic-ovoid +
elliptic-oblong +
cylindric +
cylindric +
clavate +
cup-shaped +
cup-shaped +
cup-shaped +
cylindric +
cylindric +
clavate +
cup-shaped +
cylindric +
cylindric +
clavate +
narrow-cylindric +
clavate +
cylindric +
cup-shaped +
cup-shaped +
cylindric +
cup-shaped +
cup-shaped +
cup-shaped +
cup-shaped +
cup-shaped +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cup-shaped +
cup-shaped +
clavate +
cylindric +
cup-shaped +
cup-shaped +
cylindric +
cylindric +
clavate +
cylindric +
clavate +
cup-shaped +
narrow-cylindric +
cup-shaped +
clavate +
cup-shaped +
cup-shaped +
cup-shaped +
cup-shaped +
cylindric +
clavate +
cup-shaped +
cylindric +
cup-shaped +
cup-shaped +
cup-shaped +
cylindric +
cup-shaped +
cup-shaped +
clavate +
3-lobed +
ovoid +
oblong-ovoid;ovoid +
cylindrical +
cylindrical +
cylindrical +
cylindrical +
spherical +
cylindrical +
cylindrical +
cylindrical +
cylindrical +
spherical +
globose +
subglobose +
narrowly cylindric;broadly pyriform or urceolate +
narrowly cylindric;broadly pyriform or urceolate +
narrowly cylindric;broadly pyriform or urceolate +
narrowly cylindric;broadly pyriform or urceolate +
narrowly cylindric;broadly pyriform or urceolate +
ovoid +
ovoid-fusiform +
ovoid +
ellipsoid +
ellipsoid +
ellipsoid +
ovoid +
ovoid +
ovoid +
ovoid +
ovoid +
ellipsoid +
ovoid +
ellipsoid +
ellipsoid +
ellipsoid +
ovoid +
ellipsoid +
ovoid +
ovoid +
ellipsoid +
ellipsoid +
ellipsoid +
ovoid +
ovoid +
ellipsoid +
ellipsoid +
ovoid +
ovoid +
spheric +
ovoid +
ovoid +
ovoid +
ovoid +
pyramidal-ovoid +
ellipsoid +
oblong-cylindric +
oblong-cylindric +
oblong-cylindric +
oblong-cylindric +
oblong-cylindric +
oblong-cylindric +
oblong-cylindric +
oblong-cylindric +
oblong-cylindric +
broadly ovoid;subglobose +
subglobose +
ovoid +
ovoid +
cylindric +
cylindric +
subglobose +
ovoid-ellipsoid +
subglobose +
4-5-segmented +
5-segmented +
ovoid +
ovoid +
globular +
ovoid;globose-ovoid +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
oblong;oblong-cylindric +
oblong;oblong-cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
oblong-cylindric +
oblong-cylindric +
oblong-cylindric +
ovoid +
ovoid +
oblong +
globular +
flattened +
flattened +
globose +
globose +
globose;cylindric +
obloid;cylindric +
narrowly ellipsoid;cylindric +
narrowly ellipsoid;cylindric +
narrowly ellipsoid;cylindric +
long-cylindric +
long-cylindric +
cylindric +
obloid;cylindric +
obloid;cylindric +
obloid;cylindric +
obloid;cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
notched +
notched +
notched +
notched +
inflated +
notched +
inflated +
ovoid +
obovoid +
oblong-ovoid +
oblong-globular +
oblong-ovoid +
ovoid-cylindric +
compressed-ellipsoid +
elliptic-oblong +
oblong-oblanceoloid +
lanceoloid +
ovoid +
oblong-lanceoloid +
lanceoloid +
lanceoloid +
lanceoloid +
cylindrical +
lanceoloid +
lanceoloid +
lanceoloid +
cylindrical +
lanceoloid +
cylindrical +
lanceoloid +
lanceoloid +
lanceoloid +
4-angled +
cylindrical +
lanceoloid +
cylindrical +
ellipsoid +
cylindrical +
cylindrical +
lanceoloid +
obovoid +
ovoid +
fusiform +
fusiform +
pyramidal +
rhombic-obovoid +
lanceoloid +
lanceoloid +
lanceoloid +
lanceoloid +
cylindric +
ellipsoid +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
subglobose +
ovoid +
oblong-ovoid +
ovoid +
ovoid +
ovoid;cylindric-ovoid +
ovoid;cylindric-ovoid +
ovoid;cylindric-ovoid +
ovoid;cylindric-ovoid +
ovoid;cylindric-ovoid +
ovoid;cylindric-ovoid +
ovoid;cylindric-ovoid +
ovoid +
ovoid;oblong-ovoid +
ovoid;oblong-ovoid +
ovoid;oblong-ovoid +
ovoid;oblong-ovoid +
ovoid +
ovoid;oblong-ovoid +
ovoid +
oblong-ovoid +
oblong-ovoid +
oblong-ovoid +
ovoid +
broadly ovoid;broadly oblong-ellipsoid +
ovoid +
ovoid;cylindric-ovoid +
ovoid;oblong-ovoid +
ovoid;oblong-ovoid +
ovoid;oblong-ovoid +
narrowly ovoid;oblong-ovoid +
narrowly ovoid;oblong-ovoid +
narrowly ovoid;oblong-ovoid +
ovoid;cylindric-ovoid +
depressed-globose +
subcylindric +
ovoid-pyriform +
ovate;cylindric-fusiform +
globose;cylindric +
cylindric;long-cylindric +
oblong;short-cylindric +
short-cylindric;elliptic +
oblong-cylindric;cylindric +
oblong;oblong-cylindric +
ovate-cylindric;ovate-oblong +
elliptic-cylindric;ovate-oblong +
ovate +
oblong;oblong-cylindric +
fusiform-cylindric +
oblong;oblong-ovate +
ovate-oblong +
ovate;ovate-oblong +
ovate-oblong;oblong +
oblong +
oblong-ovate;oblong +
cylindric +
cylindric +
ovate-oblong +
cylindric +
ovate +
oblong-cylindric +
cylindric +
oblong-cylindric +
oblong;ovate +
cylindric;oblong;oblong-cylindric +
oblong-cylindric +
oblong-cylindric +
oblong +
oblong;short-oblong +
oblong;oblong-cylindric +
oblong-cylindric +
oblong;oblong-cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
oblong-ovate;cylindric +
oblong;cylindric +
oblong;oblong-ovate +
short-oblong;ovate-oblong;short-oblong;ovate-oblong;ovate;globose +
ovate;cylindric-ovate +
short-cylindric;oblong-ovate +
oblong;oblong-cylindric +
cylindric;ovate-cylindric +
oblong;short-cylindric +
oblong-cylindric +
elliptic-cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
ovate +
cylindric;cylindric-elliptic +
cylindric +
ovoid +
cylindric +
ellipsoid +
ellipsoid +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
fusiform +
oblong-ovoid +
ellipsoid +
cylindric +
cylindric +
subglobose +
ovoid +
oblong-cylindric +
ovoid-ellipsoid +
fusiform +
ovoid +
elongate +
elongate +
clavate;pyriform +
cylindric +
cylindric +
obovoid +
oblong-ellipsoid +
clavate +
obovoid-obconic +
subglobose +
subglobose +
oblong-ovoid;ovoid +
oblong-ovoid;ovoid +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
ovoid +
ellipsoid +
obovoid +
inflated +
not inflated +
not inflated +
not inflated +
not inflated +
not inflated +
oblong;4-lobed +
oblong;4-lobed +
oblong;4-lobed +
oblong;4-lobed +
oblong;4-lobed +
oblong;4-lobed +
ellipsoid +
ovoid +
subglobose +
ellipsoid +
subglobose +
ovoid-globose +
subglobose +
ovoid-turbinate +
globose-turbinate +
turbinate-globose +
turbinate-spheroid +
turbinate-spheroid +
turbinate-spheroid +
ovoid +
globose +
globose +
globose +
globose +
globose +
globose +
globose +
urceolate;campanulate;pyriform;campanulate;pyriform;globose;ovoid;symmetric +
cupulate;ovoid;hemispheric +
campanulate;pyriform;ovoid;obovate +
cupulate +
urceolate;pyriform +
subglobose +
short-cylindric +
ovoid;oblong-cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
elongate-pyriform +
elongate-pyriform +
elongate-pyriform +
elongate-pyriform +
elongate-pyriform +
elongate-pyriform +
oblong-cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
oblong +
subglobose +
oblong;ovoid +
oblong;ovoid +
oblong;ovoid +
oblong;ovoid +
oblong;ovoid +
oblong;ovoid +
oblong;ovoid +
lanceoloid +
oblong-cylindric +
oblong-cylindric +
oblong-ovoid +
oblong-cylindric +
cylindric +
subcylindric +
oblong-cylindric +
oblong-cylindric +
ellipsoid +
ellipsoidal +
ellipsoidal +
ellipsoidal +
subglobose +
ovoid +
ovoid +
ovoid +
ellipsoid +
angled +
ellipsoid +
pyriform +
pyriform +
pyriform +
short-pyriform;urceolate +
narrowly cylindric;broadly pyriform or urceolate +
cylindric +
short-pyriform;urceolate +
pyriform +
pyriform +
pyriform +
short-pyriform;urceolate +
slender-pyriform +
ovoid-cylindric +
pyriform +
slender-pyriform +
pyriform +
pyriform +
narrowly cylindric;broadly pyriform or urceolate +
short-pyriform +
short-pyriform;urceolate +
slender-pyriform +
pyriform +
short-pyriform;urceolate +
slender-pyriform +
pyriform +
pyriform +
pyriform +
narrowly cylindric;broadly pyriform or urceolate +
slender-pyriform +
pyriform +
short-pyriform;urceolate +
short-pyriform;urceolate +
ellipsoid +
ellipsoid +
ovoid;spherical +
spherical +
ovoid;spherical +
depressed-suborbicular +
subglobose +
ellipsoid +
subglobose +
subglobose +
ellipsoid +
oblong +
globose +
subglobose +
cuneate-subglobose +
oblong-ellipsoid +
ellipsoid +
subglobose +
4-angled +
rectangular +
4-angled +
short-rectangular +
cubic +
ovoid +
ovoid +
spherical +
spherical +
spherical +
ovoid +
ovoid +
ovoid +
spherical +
oblong-ovoid +
oblong-ovoid +
ovoid +
subglobose +
ovoid +
ovoid +
ovoid +
ovoid +
subglobose +
subglobose +
subglobose +
ellipsoid +
ellipsoid +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
globose +
ovoid +
cylindric +
ellipsoid +
cylindric +
cylindric +
ellipsoid +
ovoid-ellipsoid +
globose +
cylindric +
ovoid +
ovoid +
ovate +
ovate +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
subcylindric +
subcylindric +
ovoid +
ovoid +
ovoid +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
subcylindric;cylindric +
subcylindric +
subcylindric;cylindric +
subcylindric;cylindric +
subcylindric +
ellipsoid-obovoid +
globular +
ovoid +
ovoid +
ovoid +
ovoid +
ellipsoid +
short-cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
narrowed +
ovoid +
thin-segmented +
short-ovoid +
long-cylindric +
ovoid +
short-ovoid +
short-ovoid +
short-ovoid +
cylindric +
ovoid +
cylindric +
ovoid +
cylindric +
ovoid +
ovate +
pyriform +
elongate-ovate +
ovate +
elongate-pyriform +
obovate +
pyriform +
elongate-pyriform +
elongate-pyriform +
elongate-pyriform +
pyriform +
elongate-ovate +
short-pyriform +
elongate-pyriform +
pyriform +
elongate-ovate +
pyriform +
elongate-pyriform +
elongate-pyriform +
pyriform +
oblong-cylindric +
oblong-cylindric +
oblong-ovoid +
oblong-cylindric +
urceolate;globose +
urceolate;globose +
depressed-globose +
depressed-globose +
depressed-globose +
depressed-globose +
depressed-globose +
depressed-globose +
depressed-globose +
depressed-globose +
depressed-globose +
flared +
flared +
linear-cylindric +
ventricose;ovoid;ovoid-cylindric +
ventricose;ovoid;ovoid-cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
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globose;cylindric +
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globose;cylindric +
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globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
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globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
globose;cylindric +
short-cylindric +
short-cylindric +
ovoid +
ellipsoid-ovoid +
obovoid +
ellipsoid +
ellipsoid +
ellipsoid +
ellipsoid-obovoid +
ellipsoid-obovoid +
ellipsoid-obovoid +
ellipsoid +
ellipsoid-cylindric +
ovate +
oblong-cylindric +
oblong-cylindric +
oblong-cylindric +
oblong-cylindric +
ovoid +
ovoid +
oblong-cylindric +
ellipsoid +
oblong-ellipsoid;cylindric +
subglobose +
long-pyriform;elongate-cylindric +
long-pyriform;elongate-cylindric +
long-pyriform;elongate-cylindric +
ovoid-oblong +
cylindric +
cylindric +
elongate-pyriform +
subcylindric +
cylindric +
subcylindric +
subcylindric +
cylindric +
elongate-pyriform +
globular +
ovoid +
cylindric +
globose;ovoid +
globose;ovoid +
globose;ovoid +
globose;ovoid +
globose;ovoid +
globose;ovoid +
globose;ovoid +
globose;ovoid +
globose;ovoid +
globose;ovoid +
globose;ovoid +
globose;ovoid +
globose;ovoid +
globose;ovoid +
globose;ovoid +
globose;ovoid +
ovoid +
ovoid +
ovoid +
ovoid +
ovoid +
globular-ovoid +
globular-ovoid +
globose +
globose +
globose +
fusiform +
cylindric;ovoid +
cylindric;ovoid +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
ovoid +
campanulate;cylindric;symmetric +
cupulate;campanulate +
short-cylindric +
cupulate;short-cylindric +
cupulate;cylindric;short +
narrowed;ovoid-cylindric +
short-cylindric;cupulate;short-cylindric;cupulate;ovoid +
campanulate;cupulate;short-cylindric +
elongate-cylindric;cylindric +
short-cylindric;cupulate;short-cylindric;cupulate +
campanulate +
short-cylindric +
cupulate +
short-cylindric;cylindric +
cylindric +
ovoid-cylindric +
cupulate;short-cylindric +
cupulate;short-cylindric +
cupulate;short-cylindric +
campanulate;cupulate;short-cylindric +
campanulate;cupulate;campanulate;cupulate;ovoid +
short-cylindric;cupulate;short-cylindric;cupulate;ovoid +
short-cylindric +
cylindric +
campanulate;cupulate;campanulate;cupulate;short-cylindric +
cylindric;elongate-cylindric +
cupulate +
narrowed;ovoid;short-cylindric +
short-cylindric;cupulate +
cupulate;cylindric;short-cylindric +
short-cylindric +
ovoid +
elliptic;cylindric +
elliptic;cylindric +
elliptic;cylindric +
ovoid +
ellipsoid;ovoid +
oblong;oblong-cylindric +
oblong;oblong-cylindric +
elongate;short-ovate +
oblong +
ovate +
oblong +
ovate +
ovoid-elongate;short-ovoid +
ovate-cylindric +
ovate +
ovate +
short-ovate;occasionally ovate-cylindric +
oblong +
elongate;short-ovate +
short-cylindric +
short-cylindric +
short-cylindric +
short-cylindric +
short-cylindric +
short-cylindric +
short-cylindric +
short-cylindric +
short-cylindric +
ovoid +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
spherical;obovoid +
spherical;obovoid +
spherical;obovoid +
short-cylindric +
short-cylindric +
short-cylindric +
short-cylindric +
short-cylindric +
not flattened +
ovoid +
conic +
ovoid-ellipsoid +
ovoid-globose +
pyriform +
pyriform +
falcate +
pyriform +
pyriform +
pyriform +
falcate +
cylindric +
ovoid;globose +
ovoid +
oblong +
ovoid +
ovoid +
ovoid +
ellipsoid;obovoid +
ellipsoid;obovoid +
ellipsoid;obovoid +
ellipsoid;obovoid +
ovoid +
ovoid;globose +
ovoid +
flask--shaped +
obovate-elliptic +
ovoid +
ovoid;globose +
ellipsoid +
broadly ovoid;globose +
ovoid-ellipsoid +
ovoid-ellipsoid +
ovoid-ellipsoid +
ovoid-ellipsoid +
ovoid;globose +
ovoid;globose +
ovoid;globose +
ovoid;globose +
ovoid;globose +
ovoid +
triangular +
ovoid;oblong +
ovoid;oblong +
ovoid;oblong +
ovoid +
ovoid;globose +
ovoid;globose +
ovoid;globose +
ovoid;globose +
oblong;ovoid or broadly tubular +
oblong;ovoid or broadly tubular +
ovate +
obovoid +
obovoid +
ovoid-ellipsoid +
ellipsoid-ovoid +
globose +
ovoid +
conic;ellipsoid +
ovate-elliptic +
ellipsoid +
ovoid-ellipsoid +
ovoid +
ovoid;globose +
ovoid;globose +
ovoid-conic +
ovoid;globose +
ellipsoid +
ovoid +
ovoid +
ovoid-ellipsoid +
narrowed;ovoid-ellipsoid +
ovoid +
ellipsoid +
ovoid;globose +
ovoid;globose +
ovoid;ellipsoid +
ellipsoid +
ovoid-ellipsoid +
ellipsoid +
ovoid;oblong +
ovoid-conic +
ovoid;globose +
ellipsoid +
globose +
clavate +
ovoid +
ovoid;globose +
ovoid +
ovoid;globose +
ovoid;globose +
ovoid;globose +
ovoid;globose +
ovoid-ellipsoid +
ovoid +
ovoid;globose +
ovoid;globose +
ovoid-ellipsoid +
ovoid +
globose +
globose +
globose +
globose +
globose +
globose +
globose +
globose +
globose +
globose +
globose +
globose +
globose +
globose +
globose +
globose +
globose +
globose +
globose +
globose +
globose +
globose +
oblong-cylindric +
oblong-cylindric +
conic +
conic +
ovoid +
ovoid +
ovoid +
ovoid +
ovoid +
ovoid +
ovoid +
ovoid +
ovoid +
ovoid +
ovoid +
ovoid +
ovoid +
ovoid +
ovoid +
spherical +
spherical +
spherical +
spherical +
spherical +
spherical +
spherical +
spherical +
spherical +
spherical +
spherical +
spherical +
spherical +
spherical +
spherical +
spherical +
spherical +
spherical +
spherical +
spherical +
spherical +
spherical +
spherical +
spherical +
spherical +
spherical +
spherical +
spherical +
spherical +
spherical +
spherical +
spherical +
spherical +
spherical +
spherical +
spherical +
spherical +
spherical +
spherical +
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spherical +
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spherical +
spherical +
spherical +
spherical +
spherical +
spherical +
spherical +
spherical +
spherical +
spherical +
spherical +
spherical +
spherical +
spherical +
spherical +
spherical +
spherical +
spherical +
spherical +
spherical +
spherical +
spherical +
spherical +
spherical +
spherical +
spherical +
spherical +
spherical +
spherical +
spherical +
spherical +
spherical +
spherical +
spherical +
spherical +
spherical +
spherical +
spherical +
short-cylindric;obpyriform +
short-cylindric;obpyriform +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
ellipsoid +
obovoid +
ovate-cylindric +
ovate-cylindric +
ovate-cylindric +
conic +
ovoid +
broadly ovoid;globose +
ovoid +
globose;broadly ovoid +
ovoid +
conic;ellipsoid +
ovoid;ovoid-ellipsoid +
ovoid +
ovoid +
ovoid +
ovoid +
subglobose +
ovoid +
ovoid-obtuse +
lanceoloid-ovoid +
ovoid-conic +
ovoid;ovoid-lanceoloid +
ovoid;ovoid-lanceoloid +
ovoid;ovoid-lanceoloid +
ovoid-oblong +
ovoid-oblong +
ovoid +
globose;broadly ovoid +
ovoid +
ovoid-oblong +
ovoid +
oblong +
ovoid +
ovoid +
conic +
lanceoloid +
ovoid +
ellipsoid;ovoid +
ellipsoid;ovoid +
subglobose +
ovoid +
ellipsoid;globose +
ellipsoid;globose +
ellipsoid;globose +
ellipsoid;globose +
cylindric +
cylindric +
oblong +
ovoid;oblong +
ellipsoid +
globose +
globose +
globose +
ovoid +
ovoid +
cylindric-ovate +
narrow-cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
tapered +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +
cylindric +